Contribute to the BGI Community

Phot by Danielle Jardim

Phot by Danielle Jardim

Artist Interviews

We love finding Artist and Illustrators and learning about what they love to do and we want to share your story and creativity with the world. We also love highlighting those who are already active in the BGI community and getting to know them better. If you would you like to share your story and your work on the BGI Blog click the button below and we will contact you with more information.

Studio Vibes

I don’t know about you but I just love seeing the behind the scene of where the magic happens. If you would like to have your happy place featured on the BGI blog click the button bellow and we will contact you with more information.

What are you working on

Are you working on something and you would like to just share with the BGI community we want to give you a platform to do so. Click the button below and we will contact you with more information.


Do you have a DTIYS challeng that you would like to share with the BGI community? 1-2 times a month we will feature DTIYS challenges in a blog post and we will also do a round up of our favorites in another blog post later in the month.

Just want to share!

Is there something you want to share with the community. Maybe you have a video, blog, book or something that you have found very helpful to you as an artist and you would like to share it with other black girl Illustrators.